Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bloodlines Notices: Cracking and exploiting residents

As the general average bloodlines player IQ is on a downfall rise i have tried to avoid comment those outstanding notices that go around but this one went to far and it should have ended when i said so.

This notice claims that by not being able to see the viewers version that the attackers will win. This notice promotes that users should be able to see what kind of software is used by the players making everyone believing that it is a good thing for THEIR protection when it quite the opposite. In fact since when around bloodlines the "self called elite" had any interest in having their down-lines/minions EDUCATED and WELL INFORMED for their own benefit?

So why would someone want to know what kind of software are users using?

The first basic rule to crack or exploit software (remotely or not) of any kind is to know what software is used, how and with what. By knowing what software is used; one can study it's vulnerabilities and apply principles like OS fingerprinting to the software that is to be exploited where the attacker will look for things like user agents and specify ID strings to facilitate the use of things like buffer overflow. Buffer overflows include C and C++, which provide no built-in protection against accessing or overwriting data in any part of memory. Second-life viewer software uses these languages thus being prone to quite some interesting attacks.

Let me break it down to simple visual contents for those dumbass nanobits minds who disagree with facts on the base of empiric knowlegde... or convenient reasons to do so .... just like in the past with REDZONE.
By finding out that a user is running on his system a specific version of a specific software; the attacker can lookup online for the software security flaws inherent to it or create a method to do so. Lets take a look for example with MSN.

There are an endless amount of security websites that disclose software vulnerabilities. There are several techniques that facilitate the exploit of a system or software that can be direct or indirect like privilege escalation. Also having the source code of a specific piece of software allows it to be studied and give large creativity to evilness many times.

Virtual Worlds - Real Exploits 1/6 - Exploiting & Hacking secondlife 

 Hacking Forensic Security (HFS)

Video1  - Video2 - Video3 - Video4 - Video5 - Video6

There is a reason why my viewer agent displays what it displays and why certain features are disabled by default since you people didn't even know the existence of secondlife.

[2010/03/22 2:11]  Merlin Swordthain: how have you been
[2010/03/22 2:11]  Draconian Hax: mostly busy
[2010/03/22 2:12]  Merlin Swordthain: yeah i noticed
[2010/08/13 15:06]  Merlin Swordthain: you are using a exotic viewer
[2010/08/13 15:06]  Merlin Swordthain: one my orbs have not recognized as safe yet
[2010/08/13 15:06]  Draconian Hax: define exotics
[2010/08/13 15:06]  Merlin Swordthain: is it newly made
[2010/08/13 15:07]  Merlin Swordthain: Draconian Hax was killed for having an Exotic Viewer, under review of being a copybot or not. @
[2010/08/13 15:07]  Draconian Hax: its “safe"
[2010/08/13 15:07]  Merlin Swordthain: the web site will review it
[2010/08/13 15:07]  Merlin Swordthain: ill let them know
[2010/08/13 15:07]  Merlin Swordthain: what is it called
[2010/08/13 15:08]  Draconian Hax: let me know what info will you get about the viewer
[2010/08/13 15:08]  Merlin Swordthain: what is its name
[2010/08/13 15:08]  Draconian Hax: lets just say that it is fully supported by the lab
[2010/08/13 15:09]  Merlin Swordthain: then it will be soon allowed im sure
[2010/08/13 15:09]  Merlin Swordthain: :)
[2010/08/13 15:09]  Draconian Hax laughs
[2010/08/13 15:10]  Draconian Hax: it IS allowed.
[2010/08/13 15:10]  Draconian Hax: available for others is a different matter
[2010/08/13 15:11]  Draconian Hax: :)
[2010/08/13 15:11]  Merlin Swordthain: so were you poking my security
[2010/08/13 15:11]  Merlin Swordthain: lol
[2010/08/13 15:11]  Merlin Swordthain: to see if it would notice
[2010/08/13 15:11]  Merlin Swordthain: lol
[2010/08/13 15:13]  Draconian Hax: I don’t need to poke things to see if others will notice something.

Looking  for viewers identification to know if it is a copybot of some sort is LAME and DUMB and FAILS as when the software is compiled it can have it's user agent  changed by spoofing it or even done later with the use of a addon.
These techniques while forbidden by Linden Lab can and are still used. These techniques are also widely available for a lot software out there to favor the users security such as for email clients, chat IM software and mostly browsers like firefox with addons like user agent switcher

These kind of techniques which aim to change or hide a specific user agent, ID string are defined as

Security through obscurity

  Now ... what was that question again ? 

Oh yah ... why would someone want to know what kind of software is someone else using ?

[2012/02/24 16:39]  Draconian Hax: as usual you are not very well informed about things. Just like what i told you about red zone in the past.
[2012/02/24 16:40]  Draconian Hax: more changes will happen. i would advise some ... better informed notices ... before post them in the future.
[2012/02/24 23:49]  Merlin Swordthain: you are welcome to your opinion
[2012/02/24 23:49]  Merlin Swordthain: I disagree
[2012/02/24 23:49]  Merlin Swordthain: and im welcome to mine

...Why would someone disagree with something that favours everyone else 
and not just a few ?