Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fascism as political correctness vs democracy

For those deepshits that crawl around crying with demands for political correctness have in mind that political correctness is nothing but a fascist way to censor someone else while at the same time advocating for self entitled democracy for oneself.

How is that working you piece of shit ? You want democracy to be able to do, say and think whatever you want and then you want to take that same right away from the other person if their point os view is different ? You fascist rat!

This is s democracy! you cannot say that ! It is wrong ! You are a bigot! I don't like to read or hear it!

Well then, you fascist rat:
One has the right of being a bigot while the other has the same right to be an asshole and if you don't like it, go eat shit. Dogs eat it and they are fat ! Have you seen them complaining ?

Grown up and live with it ! If someone says something that offends you, well be offended! What do you think it will happen ? Is your arm going to fall of ? Cancer the next day ? Your pancreas blows out ? awwwww....

Just shut the fuck up with your self entitled whiny spoiled ass and move on. Life is harder than this. Go find your self a fucking job and do something productive with your life.

Your stupid existence offends me ! Your ignorance offends me ! Your carbon dioxide bothers me!

You know what ? Britney Spears offends me! 
Should I call the cops every time she is on TV ?
Officer !!!!! It is me again! There she is! Shit shit shit !!! She is on the TV !!!!! 
Yes officer !... short shorts, wavy hair! Very hot! Yes it is her again officer !
I AM OFFENDED.... I am traumatized!

Be offended. You have the right to be offended as much as the other side has the right to offend you fascist piece of shit who advocates all the freedom for YOU and wants to have it all removed from the other side. 

I cannot say something because You have the right of not listen to it ?
(You fascist pig. Live with it)

And the most pathetic shit that a person one can say is: That is intolerance

And what is intolerance when used to silence the other person ?
You cannot say that because that is intolerance! You are a bigot!

And that is intolerance too you deepshit. So what makes your opinion better, you self entitled rat ? What gives you so right to insult the other side by labeling the other side as a bigot and not being tolerant of the other sides opinion while forcing yours as the rightful one ? You piece of shit.

Now go complain about this text to the blogger community standards here and tell them that it got you offended. You deformed, incomplete, pile of stacked shit meat, low iq, crippled, humanoid looking like figure.