Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween vs SL Bloodlines

With halloween around the corner and the fact that those "clowns" around second life bloodlines never cease to amaze me with their outstanding remarkable out of this world creativity; a dilemma has risen from the one other of my dark bulb ideas which sparked a debate between me and Jeffrey.

And the question around is the following...

With halloween knocking at the door; if i decide to wear a costume, does this mean that the rest of them will be wearing suits and dresses ?

oh gorgeous !!

And check the lag makers bellow ...

Oh yah... the outstanding dumbass biotch (drakken nubalo) that needs to read the SL wiki to understand how how rezz and tcp/udp packets flow in the network, etc, etc...

memo: too much $lindens a pair of boobs and a powerful computer will not give you brains

... and these 3 need no introduction ... a smelly cat , a wild hairy dog and a dumb ass drama queen that wears skirts and found how to make "light" with a couple stones against each other ...

gotta love these ..."people", can't wait for halloween ...

(click the pics to maximize)