Friday, June 17, 2016

A cultural conversation destroyed by a hairy snatch

... it was one of those... surreal SL bloodlines nights; an intelligent conversation was "slained" by... a hairy snatch, ... who claimed to be shaved ...
(click to amplify)

Jeffery could swear that he saw a tail in there ...


  1. Out of all the things you could choose to be offended by, you zeroed in on....(wait for it)... Vaginal Hair!
    For someone who has such a strong distain for societal ideals, you certainly seem to have no qualms about eating up modern sexist standards.
    Yep. I have pubic hair.. and enough of it to supply you with dental floss for the next millennia. If you want a free sample, all you have to do is ask.
    And I bet if I were game enough to wear a bikini, long luscious flaxen locks of public hair would be popping out all over the place to say hello. North, south, east, direction would be spared. As beautiful and majestic as a lotus flower, yet as wild and free as a mountain brumby. Fucking awesome!
    As soon as it extends past my knees, I'd be braiding it and submitting some photos to the guinness world records in the hopes that they will be published in the 2018 R rated edition.
    I bet you like that huh?
    And when I'm finished doing all that, I'm going to print you shirt that reads, 'My friend is famous for her pubes... and all I've got is this lousy t shirt (and a bad case of haemorrhoids from my cold wooden chair)'.

  2. Vous avez des yeux métaphysiques mouvants.


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...