Wednesday, March 11, 2015

April Ktaba: A so called highly respected second life bloodlines member

This year I ran out of jokes, so I am just going to shove my arm up your asses and work that mouth like a puppet.

April Kristine Ktaba another one of those highly honourable and wholesome second life bloodliners needs no introduction, but just for the fun of it if you missed her:

Note to the bitch: Your lack of punctuation in short sentences annoyed me

You were right. You did fuck up. Now shush! shut it! 
roll over and play dead unless you want all your friends you pissed off to know about the other Facebook page and where you live

1 comment:

  1. Not that I would dare defend her actions, but...
    Lack of punctuation hardly seems like a reason to give someone your attention.

    I've personally witnessed how sloppy you can be in the punctuation department.

    If the claims are true, she's definitely done the wrong thing. I don't think any one in their right mind would excuse that..however...
    You're not exactly a saint either. Nor am I. Let's not pretend otherwise.


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...