Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bloodlines Uptight Asses

If there is one thing that comes with vampire royalty around second life bloodlines; it is called, uptightness.

Some people; well... most people (of course because they all seek self royal importance in cartoon land) are so uptight that if you stick a lump of coal up their ass, it will turn into a diamond in 3 minutes.

How do you guys think i got my diamond earring ? --> Shanny Sweetwater; your anal pressure, "rocked" my ears in 10 seconds.

The only hard moment was that i had to use a gas mask during the fusion and call the fire department to have it cleaned...


  1. Haha, well observed!

  2. you say "they all seek self royal importance in cartoon land" and yet your the one posting complete bullshit on the internet...sounds to me likeYOUR the one who wants to feel important

  3. the fact that he approves your comment to be posted when it is clearly agaisnt him, shows not only that he doesn't care as well as you making a fool of yourself

    1. Agreed since he is the one with time to write a Blog LMAO Loser


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...