Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Best friends list around secondlife bloodlines

There are 2 questions that i am continuously asked about and the result of one those questions is the answer to the other.

I have been asked many times in private by many people how is it that in the middle of the snake pit of bloodlines; that i manage to keep sanity and i haven't become like the rest.

Well.. wait no more... a secret is about to be revealed that will answer this question and also your friendship requests.

But before you can see with our own eyes lets have some sort of introduction just for some personal enlightenment. (maybe you can use it for some bulbs at home and save some electricity)

... while someone was whining about problems with friends ... (one among ... hundreds in my confessionary) here goes an extract of the conversation.
[2010/01/17 19:13] Draconian Hax: oh joy
[2010/01/17 19:14] Draconian Hax: do you know why i don't get any problems with friends ?
[2010/01/17 19:14] (name removed): was giving him medical advice when he was in emmortalz
[2010/01/17 19:14] (name removed): you don't have any because you are an arse hole?
[2010/01/17 19:14] (Draconian Hax): very good.
[2010/01/17 19:14] (name removed): hehehehe
[2010/01/17 19:15] Draconian Hax: *clap * *clap *
[2010/01/17 19:15] Draconian Hax: problem free solution
[2010/01/17 19:15] (name removed): heheheheh

... no shit stains on my suit ...
Get the picture deepshits ?

now go vote on the poll at the upper right corner of this blog


  1. Not everyone that has asked to be your friend is a stain ya know ! Give some people a chance

  2. plz don't be morose, master Hax, cos I can be ur friend!!!! srsly!!!!!


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...