Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Communication skills for the peasents of secondlife

For years people have wondered about my communication skills...

Well wonder no more!

If I am not telling you to get a puzzle together with the following letters 

C K F U F F O 

and try to make two words out of it ...
... then the software does it for me... because I just don't have the time...


  1. Yeah I get it. Software.
    But why the heck would someone go to all the bother to create a washed up 70's porn star toon with the persona of a retired drill sergeant?
    I mean, who even dreams this stuff up?
    What's the point of it all? Is there one?

    I mean, who even dreams this stuff up? What's the point?

  2. Get lost "Harry". You're not even remotely entertaining anymore.


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...