Thursday, July 11, 2013

The real cunt dracula fun and happy face

Doesn't this guy's facial expression says that he is in pain from something. Kinda looks like severe case of haemorrhoids. With this smile, has to be.
 ..but why are they called haemorrhoids and not assteroids

with a couple pointy dental appliances this guy does not even need a hud.... 

1 comment:

  1. In addition to an ego bigger than a quasar cluster, it seems that you also have an issue with reading comprehension.
    This guy didn't say he was smiling. He said he 'likes to smile'. Like = has a desire to.
    I's not written in French (or English) so you may struggle a bit with this one but then again, that's what Google translate is for.
    For what its worth, this guy may literally be in pain from any number of things, yet he's a 'deepshit' for expressing the fact that he enjoys smiling? Perhaps you feel that smiling is indicative of a character fault. If that's the case, one can't help but feel sorry for you and your miserable plight.
    I'm still waiting for the superhero who threatened me to publish my comments. What are you afraid of?


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...