Sunday, August 28, 2011

SL / Bloodlines Thieves: DasOman Actor & BaseBeta Python

A real Bloodlines scam. not that crap about huds that you dumbasses cry about all the time
update: 13/02/2011
Currently BaseBeta Python is not only harassing other people online as he is also sending naked pictures of the victim to other people (including me). He also went as far as posting a video of him and the victim, on youtube without her permission. This video included some shocking images. His account has been removed from youtube after the upload and the video will be posted here once the victim is blacked out on that video.

He also as gone as far as threaten me and other people for having posting his name here. (i don't negotiate with emotional terrorists)
Well deepshit... did it upset you ?
[2011/02/08 14:40]  BaseBeta Python: you really know how to piss people off

Noooo! really? (sick stalker video)

21A Tudor Rd - Nuneaton - 01 - CV10 9EE United Kingdom time it's your DNA code

update: 07/02/2011
Bloodstained Deed as now been able to prevent her visa information to be continuously used by BaseBeta Python (Paul) and stop part of the transactions that happen but she still lost over $1000 USD.
BaseBeta Python has also closed Bloodstained Deeds secondlife account and stole all her Bloodlines souls. He also made Jeffrey Hax very upset.
To make matters worse; all 3 secondlife accounts were used from the same internet connection which means that all 3 accounts; Das DasOman and BaseBeta Python who is the scammer will be incorrectly seen also as Bloodstained Deed who was the victim.
Both secondlife accounts and bloodlines accounts will show the same ip address for the the 3 avatars although they are 2 different people.
Redzone will also match their ips and no redone does not effectively detect alts.
(Reasons and methods used for this scam are known but not be revealed)

update: 02/02/2011
Das DasOman and BaseBeta Python are the same person who's real name is a guy named Paul from the UK. (picture in the bottom)
After taking over Bloodstained Deed's SL account, he also keep using her credit card information which reached around $2000 USD.

Now here are a couple of deepshit scumbags of the usual kind around secondlife bloodlines.
Two of those non existent very respectable bloodlines assholes (that are known to not exist)  that due to the lack of self achievement, need to steal and scam others for personal self importance. (the usual)

As i was enjoying my "usual" cigar at bloodlines east on the 27th (jan/2011) i saw Bloodstained Deed arriving and passing by me too fast , which at that moment i saw right away it was not her as the avatar passed by me resisting my incredible charm without saying a word or noticing me.

How was this possible ??? (i thought to myself, blinking like a christmas tree on steroids) And so i zoomed to see a noob using an avatar of someone i know not to be a noob.
This noob was DasOman Actor who was looking for a potion (hemlock) and showing that he did not know very well what he was doing.

He then bought the potion using her avatar and linden account info and went to the rezz area at east bloodlines to take the potion; passing by me again and resisting my charm. (2 times in a row ? not possible!)

At this time after having confirmed that it was not her using her avatar but a thief...

[11:22] Draconian Hax: HOW ARE YOU
[11:25] Draconian Hax: hemlock ?
[11:26] Draconian Hax: tisk tisk

[11:26] BloodStained Deed: noene of your business
[11:26] Draconian Hax: *ummm*

After this, i got the confirmed failure of answering the magic question.

None of my business ? (evil laugh here) oooohh  you have no idea of what is my business around deepshit dumbass.

This took place around 11:26 SL time and both avatars logged out at the same time from SL.

DasOman Actor moved Bloodstained Deeds soul from the abyss to his ownership, removed  her from being his liege and set BaseBeta Python as his liege. He stole all her souls and changed what was at the time his clan.

The next day their clan settings changed and Bloodstained Deeds soul was moved from DasOman Actor to BaseBeta Python who also owns his soul and is set as his liege.

Minutes later after the hemlock potion  was bought; Bloodstained Deed was notified and started the process of account recovery.

(/me cracks his virtual nuckles and frowns
(click pictures to maximize and see the current status)

The victim

The cock sucker

Yeah you heard me deepshit

[2011/02/08 14:29]  BaseBeta Python: without her i dont have a life
(... then do us all a favor...)
Another one of those excellent clans full of excellent people
And if the the rest of the deepshits still haven't got it right about your secondlife account ; read this because i have better stuff to do than babysitting.

(/me violently spits the rest of the cigar out)

...damn i hate disco...

1 comment:

*ummm* .... really... is that so ...