Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bloodlines Vampire Scams - I : Preface

It seems that you bunch of whiners still haven't got it yet. You whine around and cry for pity from others while being a victims of yourselves and your own uncontrolled ego and desperation in some sort of validation for your existential useless bipedism putting this whining at work in a vicious circle which not only provides continuity for your misery as well as it fuels the reason for it's existence.

You cry due to the scams --> get attention for that --> Scam --> You cry due to the scams = continuous attempt to achieve self importance.

... and most of all you don't want to solve it by your own choice when there is a solution at many levels. Solution that the higher ranks (and game crew) do not want you to take and teach you otherwise while providing you convenient workarounds that fit their needs. (THEIR NEEDS not YOURS) and it is intended to be that way..... just like that mechanic guy that every time you go to his shop he makes sure you will be back later to solve another problem.

But in other to understand that; you dumbasses need to get a picture drawn.
In the next few months this blog will feature a monthly post about second-life bloodlines in many aspects.

In a series of random posts (not chronological) it will cover the franchise, the recruiting, the follow up, sponsorship, uplines, downlines, Legs, basis of Multi-level marketing, database bloodlines and finally .. the Bloodlines hud.

(i will try to make it simple.. VERY simple since logic shows that complex ideas might be too much for your minds to handle since you still operate mostly from the amygdala and you are not really worth the effort of explain you why water is wet)

By now 80% of you are lost with most if the definitions posted above since they sound like something that has nothing to do with the so called game.
(i was going to say 100%, but even people like you need something that they call... "hope" to as another existential justification for your presence in the planet)

Game that is not really a game but a clever business model adapted to second-life.

It will also cover what is really played, how it is played and the true skills used to play it and who is making the money behind it and at the expenses of who, what and how.

Next: Bloodlines Vampire Scams - II : Indoctrination beginning

1 comment:

  1. I called you Rene "Boxer" Enriquez.


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...