Tuesday, March 3, 2020

IQ Points VI: chemical unbalance and 2 cents fee for an opinion

... while polishing a secondlife bloodlines wooden chair with my ass, being an ass to asses like asses around asses, assing at bloodlines around asses being asses to asses like my ass which shits on everyone else for being an ass, due to being an ass to asses that are asses, which deserve to be treated like asses... 

(are you still following or went looking for a map to the sentence?)

anyway, a female specimen of biped human like shape asks for ... brian?

Who is Brian? Is Brian gay?
If Brian is gay, shouldn't he have a Johnson in his mouth or has Johnson gone into the witness relocation program and changed his name to Brian?

Maybe... Brian was eaten? By who? OMSelf! What do I do now?!?!?!?

Call the pentagon? Phone the FBI? Complain to Edward Snowden? Ask Vladimir Putin to wack someone and get Brian back to be a Johnson  or let Johnson identify himself as Brian for political correctness.

Overall I could go to a waffle house and pick my nose while waiting outside in the line for the bathroom observing 2 junior raccoons trying to sodomize each other behind the garbage bin.

At this moment I was completely ... not giving a shit. So I scratched my ass and rubbed my fingers in under Lustfullintentions nose.

It appears that an epidemic of... Brians disease?... took secondlife bloodlines players brains and placed them in their mouths.

Brian's symptoms are...
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal cramping

That would definitively explain the expert conclusions about bloody diarrhea that comes out bloodlines players mouths such as testosterone being a stupid chemical in the mind of a female male hater.

Anyone knows who is her Brian?

If you don't have 2 cents, you cannot afford the fee to an opinion.

and what is it that we have here...


... now that I think of it, testosterone does increase hair growth... as well as age. Is this what makes testosterone stupid?

ahhhh... much better.
Good to see that I was artful with my fingers.

...strangely familiar tho...

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud that a member of my pack made it to your blog....in epic form no less. I guess I have to accept indirect responsiblity for the Brian disease that has shown up in my group. I hope its not as contagious as COVID-19.


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...