Monday, April 16, 2012

It has been found

... after almost a life time and 2 and a half decades plus 23 or 25 seconds (give or take); just like a finding an oasis in the desert after personifying thirst; i  may have found the excalibur of bloodlines and the one and only truly un-uptight bloodlines ass ... literally ...

Behold ! the opposite of bloodlines uptightness Shanny Sweetwater ... (the price to pay for lesbianism ...since nothing gets shoved up there.... )

[2011/01/28 8:53]  Draconian Hax: bean ... ?

[2011/01/28 8:54]  Pantera Belwraith: uh huh... loooong story
[2011/01/28 8:54]  Pantera Belwraith: one that you would appreciate
[2011/01/28 8:54]  Draconian Hax: go on ..
[2011/01/28 8:55]  Pantera Belwraith: how open minded are you?
[2011/01/28 8:55]  Draconian Hax: very
[2011/01/28 8:55]  Pantera Belwraith: so... i was having voice sex with my last partner
[2011/01/28 8:55]  Draconian Hax: realistic or faked ?
[2011/01/28 8:55]  Pantera Belwraith: oh.. it was real
[2011/01/28 8:56]  Draconian Hax: ok
[2011/01/28 8:56]  Pantera Belwraith: and i was using a butt plug
[2011/01/28 8:56]  Pantera Belwraith: so when we finished i pulled it out and something popped out of my ass and landed in my hand... and the only thing i could think was that i had just shit in my hand...
[2011/01/28 8:56]  Pantera Belwraith: well...
[2011/01/28 8:56]  Draconian Hax laughs
[2011/01/28 8:57]  Pantera Belwraith: i slowly look down, and i had shit a jelly bean
[2011/01/28 8:57]  Pantera Belwraith: apparently...
[2011/01/28 8:57]  Draconian Hax laughs !
[2011/01/28 8:57]  Pantera Belwraith: my son had been eating jelly beans in bed and before i shoved the butt plug up me ass, one had stuck to the head of it
[2011/01/28 8:58]  Draconian Hax: fucking lol
[2011/01/28 8:58]  Pantera Belwraith: now my clan has a group called Pantera's Bean
[2011/01/28 8:58]  Draconian Hax laughs
[2011/01/28 8:58]  Pantera Belwraith: and one of our minions is starting a church to worship the bean
[2011/01/28 8:59]  Draconian Hax: well.. fore sure i see you are not one of those  uptight asses around bloodlines ( i mean in a figure of speech )
[2011/01/28 8:59]  Pantera Belwraith: LOL
[2011/01/28 8:59]  Draconian Hax: so they know the story ?
[2011/01/28 8:59]  Pantera Belwraith: are you kidding.. like i could keep THAT ONE to myself
[2011/01/28 8:59]  Pantera Belwraith: that story is one to be shared with the masses
[2011/01/28 9:00]  Draconian Hax: well... it seems you did not KEEP it to yourself as it popped out
[2011/01/28 9:00]  Pantera Belwraith: LMFAO

i'll be damned if i was religious and believed in something BIGGER than myself, if i would not be there in that church 24/7/355 plus that extra day sometimes...


  1. OMG Pantera HI5 !! i do love some of my friends ! hahahahahaha

    can't stop to laugh about your " bean " :p


  2. LMFAO... who would have ever thought in a million years this would have made a blog... YAY ME.. and at the top even! Thank GOD for butt plugs, jelly beans, and loose bowels! GO ME! And lets not forget an honorable mention to Narutosan Enzo, for without him, that damn thing might still be in there!

    1. Heck yes! The famous bean went viral!!!! :D


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...