Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Rat Pack Clan - People to avoid

( 2014 list update here)
(post update: December 2019)
( Last list names update: 17/09/2012 )
( Last list names update: 05/02/2012 )

Most of you haven't heard about the Rat Pack Clan (another one of my dark bulb ideas) as a clan simply because it does not exist in the official clan ways; but certainly you will recognize the Rat Pack Clan miles away.

These ... umm... extremely "nice", "honest", "decent","drama-free","non alt-makers" people have made it to the clan by astonishing personal merit and dedication by transferring their real character to second-life bloodlines "game".

The following need no introduction if you have been around bloodlines for at least 6 months, since January 2009 or even before.

Ozzy Blazewood, aka Dog Baily, aka Mawler Exonar: Harassment, Toublemaker, Scammer, Drama King, Griefer

More bloodlines scammers:

Micky Viper, H2O Avedon, Ruby Glassfield, Emi Jestyr, Gustavo Canucci, Angie Godard, Moon Warrhol, Toretto Zepp, TheDeviL Alex, Casanova Gant, May Plaid, Marius Prantis, charlotte Haramori, Silviu Gearbox, Demon Spanton, Waltdisney Aeon, crazziesully Portland, Sandra Ivylord, Ashley Saxena, Felix Trang, salt Kayor, etwetwet Abeyante, Sky Malik, kiera Clarence, Ferb Cristole, anastasia Rassir, Karrolina Chingseng, Elyse Deir, Alexa Ralior, Stephan Luckstone, Sinita Velde, Telensa Glom, Vanessaa Carter, Stra Toxx, alexzender Nizna, eathan Alecto, Leena Dikes, amity Rain, Ash Rakasta, Issa Kimono, Marthaa Oskar, Peterr Admiral, Ankit5 Trallis

DasOman Actor aka BaseBeta Python aka Paul SL/BL/RL and visa account thief and; scammer. RL Jealous freak & loser.

Macarius Vlodivic ( Resident harassment / Alt Factory / Women Scammer even with RL money ) fFrom the times envolved with Kaci Simonson aka Majestika Evanier)

Jocephus Gearz, Shanna Uggla, Erik Liamano, Elie Bruun and the .. gang of themselves a few more...
Jocephus Chrome, Shanna Uggla, Jocephus Ishtari, Jocephus Steampunk, Shanna Ishtari, Shanna Chrome, Dillusion Afterthought, Vakesh Ishtari, K3W3 Baxton, Lelani Difference, Darius Wirefly, Syshadow Fireguard, KIWI Susanowa
(scammers even to their own clan members)
Read in detail this comment about them and this german article)
More about (rl) about Jocephus Gearz over here and more in the future "here".

Ravyn Darkfold - "GIGANTIC bitch, Alt maker, Scammer troublemaker  (see Alts list reply).

DarrenR Rexen - Alt maker / Women stalker / plain simple stupidity / useless existence / resident harassment (from the times envolved with Kaci Simonson aka Majestika Evanier)

( these next 4 all ex-blood warriors currently blood evolotions are special - more details to be added later)
Zeus Panthar, Nessa Genira, Shanny Sweetwater ( total lack of personal integrity and honesty with other bloodlines, players,  alt makers, resident harassment, and RL troublemakers )

Devin Couturier ( Sweetwater's dingleberry ) (must be suffocating in there with all that up-tightness - you are not forgotten and you, still have ... "a stone in your shoe")

ElissaJade Sixpence: Sick twisted child play (serious details to be added later - avoid her)

Demi Galaxy aka Demitrieus Blackcinder for reasons stated here and in the future "here".

p2472 Sideshow: now this one ... Mr Drama "teen" who lives on the tax payer money to be able to play bloodlines all day because .. RL ... sucks... *laughs* we would need a full humorous Wikipedia just about this guy and maybe ... it's not RL that sucks ... maybe something else. Oh (again) and click here or here.

Frank Teardrop and related users / friends ( too late for kissing ass) resident harassment
Epimetheus Oh / Lapetus Genira (resident harassment / stalking / Serious Offensive Conduct (also avoid related friends)

Sly Novi resident harassment - (the one man clan who demands recognition everywhere he walks around ... simply because... he is a king.... ) (welfare leec. More details later)

Chase Bosh (Hunger RPG OWNER) - Fraud / Racism / Unethical work / thief

BrittanyJ Belgar - Spammer, multiple personalities, local chat harassment, Low I.Q, under age mentality, harassing Alts.

The following list are scammers and troublemakers,  of some of the people mentioned above.

Thalia fuil, valente Xaris, Mercedez Draconia, ThaliasChild Finistair, Kaos Ahren, Syn Dragoone, Gabrian Draconia, Darkwitch Batistuta, Kaamos Drachnyd, Mercedes Mactavish, Jalapeno Adored, YankyDoddiE Denver, oijnmh56 Abonwood, FunnYhubbeR Koray, SwingingDoorS Alecto, rtgf456rfg Treves, DarkDreamer Footpad, SunRireseR Seubert, TurtleBoots Pizzaro, ZebraGiger Redenblack, Quamterum Baily, SweetLace Falconer, RomanticA Actor, Mercedez Draconia, GeoBertoVanie Ferengeto, LoversIslander Kroitschov, KlabinHousern Bodenhall, HipHop123 Alphaville, Burpy434 Holfe, RoamingAngels Bellingshausen, Meriditha Demonista, Zermathira Colinsgrove, Styx Direwytch, lkjhgf Abbot, FrOdO Alphaville, lkjhgf Abbot, defrtgyghfv Aljon, sdefrgthyuj Abbot, Darkwitch Batistuta, Dahlia Nirvana, Syn Wasp, Chaos Dannunzio, Valente Tairov, LoveMagic Soulstar, Kaamos Drachnyd, Aria Skute, Luminos Afterthought, Jypsy Frostwych, Chaos Dannunzio, Cinder Silverspar, Syn Chrzan, Svestacka Landar, Braske Braveheart, SpritStar Moonwall, Sonaciuke Soulstar, Jane TopHat, Giedriuzaz Parx, Tequila Carver, Valente Tairov, Valente Luminos, Chaos Dannunzio, Damion Snoodle, Izabella Kegel, Lao Serpente, Rhys Eberhardt, DezintegratoruDeHimene Yiwama, Jax Saeed, Luc Runningbear, TigerMaster Sabretooth, DarkThief Ghost, DragonGypsyJoy Skytower, Valente Luminos, Symphoni Jinx, Zuriel Jeces, Angelique Danitz, Celestial Sabretooth, Biker Kawanishi, George Threebeards, Jacks Garfield, Rhys Leistone, Valkryi Azalee, Arturik1 Harvy, Sephiroth Neiro, Myst Delicioso, Raith Zeplin, Ty Stinson

This "CLAN" will grow... and new entries/names will be added as time goes by and some are waiting for a proper introduction in the blog before being here.
But... for now.. these are "special ones" and YOU are invited to reply to this post and add another RAT into this clan as well .. as how much you know about him.

Click here to add your comment and add people to this post or IM me on SL with your list of "favorite people".

Maybe i should rename the clans name to:
"The Dingleberries" ... sounds... "Chrismassy" and more like a holiday season jingles band... since they are so entertaining and we are getting close to the end of the year....

... and yes yes ... i know... i know, i am an asshole... who doesn't cover it under an imaginary blanket of ..... "niceness"

now... go vote on that option over there to keep me informed of the fact

Bookmark this entry... it will be updated later and send the link to everyone


  1. dude go eeefs youself LMAO
    this was fun until you turned this blog into 'my grudge against ex-BWs' first shanny then zeus then nola then p2
    eefing hell!

  2. always funny if you people behind the names and drac.
    he and grudges ? lol people do not know him at all
    Oscar material drac !

  3. Not forgetting EMORTALZ Alt generation team.
    Jocephus Gearz, Shanna Uggla, Erik Liamano& Elie Bruun.

    All who got ass hurt real bad when Bloodlines removed their 500 alts from ranking group. Moving them from 8th to page 8 on group stats.

    They then proceeded to sell these fkd souls to unwitting buyers. Who have now added to their own stats but sadly the groups does not grow.

    How did they rip people off? Quite simply create an alt, say to group 'does anyone want this soul? you have to buy the hud as they have no money!' then they have an account registered with bloodlines for free. Ripping of their own group members!

    They also sell copy botted blood tanks and lumen tanks, if this is your thing!

    They are now trying to launch a competing system based on someone elses idea. They just look for scams to rip people off.

    An article about them here:
    It is german so google trnslate for more info!

    Jocephus is an unashamed racist who openly attacks anyone who differs from his ideal form (didn't a german once have these beliefs?).

    Hahaha it is funny to think this guy tells people he is the lead guitar in skidrow, a doctor, a psychologist, a grand wizard (WTF is this?) in the KKK, A talent scout, a famous porn star, the list goes on and on. But he is none of these, he is a divorced little man who was presecuted for beating his wife. He now lives in a little wooden hut (think the hills have eyes) with his mother, who credit card funds his scams in SL.

    So much for the 15 bedroomed mansion with the five black (WTF has color got to do with it) servants!

    What Would Jocephus Do? hahahaha

  4. *yawns* this whole thing was putting me to sleep.

  5. who can forget BrittanyJ Belgar & her multiple personalities...the girl spams BL chat one day under her normal alt & the next under one of her many multiple personalities. too bad SL doesn't offer lithium to people like she.

  6. ummmm are you the person who is stalking me????? I think, well should i, could i, start my own blog just to see if maybe i could find out???? I think I will have my own little hunt, cuz you are describing more people than i find on sl in a week. I have some little attachment i believe, some HUD, some particle, some poofer, some invisible cage that is not allowing me the freedom to move around as i should this is becoming frighteningly clear to me......thanks :) your a doll XD

  7. Jocephus Chrome, Shanna Uggla, Jocephus Ishtari, Jocephus Steampunk, Shanna Ishtari, Shanna Chrome, Dillusion Afterthought, NERD RAGE,, Vakesh Ishtari, ,,, K3W3 Baxton, Lelani Difference, Darius Wirefly, Syshadow Fireguard, KIWI Susanowa, The Provisional Comedy Club, The holy church of Jocephus, Secondlife Mobsters, do your searches on and off SL see what you come up with.


    Take the bitches down one site at a time.

  9. Ravyn Darkfold Alts

    Thalia fuil
    valente Xaris
    Mercedez Draconia
    ThaliasChild Finistair
    Kaos Ahren
    Syn Dragoone
    Gabrian Draconia
    Darkwitch Batistuta
    Kaamos Drachnyd
    Mercedes Mactavish
    Jalapeno Adored
    YankyDoddiE Denver
    oijnmh56 Abonwood
    FunnYhubbeR Koray
    SwingingDoorS Alecto
    rtgf456rfg Treves
    DarkDreamer Footpad
    SunRireseR Seubert
    TurtleBoots Pizzaro
    ZebraGiger Redenblack
    Quamterum Baily
    SweetLace Falconer
    RomanticA Actor
    Mercedez Draconia
    GeoBertoVanie Ferengeto
    LoversIslander Kroitschov
    KlabinHousern Bodenhall
    HipHop123 Alphaville
    Burpy434 Holfe
    RoamingAngels Bellingshausen
    Meriditha Demonista
    Zermathira Colinsgrove
    Styx Direwytch
    lkjhgf Abbot
    FrOdO Alphaville
    lkjhgf Abbot
    defrtgyghfv Aljon
    sdefrgthyuj Abbot
    Darkwitch Batistuta
    Dahlia Nirvana
    Syn Wasp
    Chaos Dannunzio
    Valente Tairov

    LoveMagic Soulstar
    Kaamos Drachnyd
    Aria Skute
    Luminos Afterthought
    Jypsy Frostwych
    Chaos Dannunzio
    Cinder Silverspar
    Syn Chrzan
    Svestacka Landar
    Braske Braveheart
    SpritStar Moonwall
    Sonaciuke Soulstar
    Jane TopHat
    Giedriuzaz Parx
    Tequila Carver
    Valente Tairov
    Valente Luminos
    Chaos Dannunzio
    Damion Snoodle
    Izabella Kegel
    Lao Serpente
    Rhys Eberhardt
    DezintegratoruDeHimene Yiwama
    Jax Saeed
    Ravyn Darkthief
    Luc Runningbear
    TigerMaster Sabretooth
    DarkThief Ghost
    DragonGypsyJoy Skytower
    Valente Luminos
    Symphoni Jinx
    Zuriel Jeces
    Angelique Danitz
    Celestial Sabretooth
    biker Kawanishi
    George Threebeards
    Jacks Garfield
    Ravyn Darkfold
    Rhys Leistone
    Valkryi Azalee
    arturik1 Harvy
    Sephiroth Neiro
    Myst Delicioso
    Raith Zeplin
    Ty Stinson

  10. Replies
    1. oh midwhori resident, dont be mad that i ejected a fat, old ,sadassed housewife that loves screwing her way thru secondlife. Take your alts and hookers and move on dear, im suprised your mouth was empty long enough to speak ill of me , lol.

  11. merlin sworthain is as double faced hypocrite who favoured friends on bloodlines and also got fired from the liaisons for crossing the line

  12. Midoriprincess is a sadassed old fat housewife bored and sexually frustrated who has screwed her way thru every clan and man in SL. avoid her in your clan like the plague, she will go thru your men , smile and stab you in the back . Her break from reality is only dwarfed by her victimization, POOR ME , I DONT WANT ANY DRAMA, SL IS ALL DRAMA, yet the poor idiot, totally devoid of any decency or self esteem, doesnt realize, she is the very drama she claims to run from. A self deluded farce if there ever was one. oh , forgot to add, a coward as well, and so stupid she cant even be sneaky ,lmao

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*ummm* .... really... is that so ...