Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ever wondered why you get ejected and banned

One among many, many, many sims does NOT want you there but i decided to post this one here because i liked the description.

Why ?
- Could it be for your total lack of honesty ? NO WAY!
- Selfishness and stupidity ? noooooooo
- Cheating, stealing, deceiving, manipulating ? pFFfff of course not.
- Lying, causing drama, griffing ? OF COURSE NOT
- For having no RL life whatsoever, decency, respect, morals or personal integrity ? PREPOSTEROUS! It can be ..
- For being a low life dumb low IQ red neck ? (this does not exist for sure)

Is your avatar name on ? Then... enjoy the warmth around.

AssHat: A general term for someone who carries out actions with such stupidity that they might as well wear their ass as a hat

It seems they found you people here and up-tightness here but it's nothing that a pair of latex gloves and vaseline can't solve.

1 comment:

  1. LoL @ last commenter.....oh please who is he he's not Jesus Christ....DO tell who is this man in white really? enquiering minds would like to know!


*ummm* .... really... is that so ...